Package: Platin
Contains Gold Package:
(Purchase requisition or purchase order + Internet catalogs + Tracking + Excel catalogs + automatic p.o. generating + XML/PDF p.o. sending).
Additional modules:
Send release information | Goods receipt | Price history | Delivery backlog list
Send release information:
Inform your releasers with an email about pending requisitions.
Goods Receipt:
Confirm easier and faster your goods receipts directly from the tracking tool or with a separate goods receipt transaction. A "must" for a decentralized incoming goods process.
Price history:
Price analysis and backorder lists supports you in your daily operationally business.
Monitor the prices for recurring ordered goods of your suppliers.
You will be able to choose from typical selection parameters for your selection.
The ALV layout of your result list can be changed and downloaded to Excel.
At a glance you get the minimum and maximum prices.
Price deltas will be shown in a grafical separate output.
Purchase order monitor / delivery backlog list:
The purchase order monitor selects the outstanding deliveries and confirmations of the vendors. Totalized divergences can be shown for purchase orders, confirmations and goods receipts. Single documents can be shown with a button click.