Update Info Records
Update price conditions and other details automatically.
Upload Excel price lists from your suppliers into your SAP® system.
The transaction can be easily used.
You are able to use various selection and filter parameters to find and change the right records.
Check the marked and highlighted changes before your database update.
Set new validity periods for pricing conditions. Scales for price conditions are also possible.
Save also time in changing long text and master data fields.
Select and negoiate proactively info records with expiring conditions.
Delete old info records and conditions which you do not need anymore.
- Bulk processing of Excel files.
- Price scales and rebates processable.
- Adjustable price conditioning for each purchasing organisation.
- Automatically closes the preset validity and opens a new price validation period.
- Includes various selection parameters.
- Easy to use, no additional training required.
- Favourable purchasing and running costs.
- No reworking and no upgrades necessary.
Technical Details
- Modifications free ABAP® Coding for 4.6c, 4.70, ERP 5.0, ERP 6.0., S/4® HANA®
- Multilingual.
- Via Transport directly playable into your SAP® system.
- Worldwide, uniquely defined and reserved program name space within SAP®.
- No additional hardware, no additional operating system and no additional service required.