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Vendor evaluation

Evaluate your vendors regularly and in a flexible way in SAP® by few clicks
The evaluation of the performances of your vendors is documented, managed and verifiable in your SAP®.
The KONZMANN solution is seamlessly integrated in SAP® allowing a way better visualization and an effective evaluation according to Hard facts allowing also in reference to specific materials, as well, as according to Soft facts which can be freely defined according to your KPI.
Free definition of the user groups according their role.
Define and customize your criteria for your evaluation freely according to your business needs and you quality models.
Direct involvement of all stakeholders in the evaluation process (departments, suppliers, etc).

Portal: involve your suppliers in your business processes
Your suppliers can register themselves through the Portal KONZMANN according to the classification criteria you had defined this way they would be involved in your processes within the restrictions you had previously set.
Free determination of the user groups, free determination of data Access restrictions, of the SAP transactions, of the limits to results of the evaluations, etc.
The portal offers a safe and direct access to SAP® not only to suppliers but also to clients and employees without the installation any further platform, it is sufficient your SAP® system.


  • No template or other mandatory requirements to be follow in the implementation
  • Open and flexible definition of all the possible options of your qualification and Evaluation models
  • Integrated use of Hard facts and Soft facts
  • Self registration and update of the relevant master data directly done by your suppliers, this way your Purchasing department could save a remarkable amount of time
  • Changes of the criteria of classification and of evaluation possible at anytime without any IT programming
  • Easy to use, no additional training required
  • Save your investment, upward release compatible, multilingual 

Technical Details

  • Integrated solution in SAP® – Add-In
  • Internet use: only SAP® ERP release and Add-In Portal from Konzmann necessary
  • Modification free ABAP® Coding for 4.70, ERP 5.0 / 6.0, S/4® HANA® and higher with all EHP
  • Extendable with user exits
  • Installation and customizing in one day for each modul
  • Via Transport direct into your SAP® System
  • No IT follow-up and no upgrades necessary
  • Worldwide reserved programme name space within SAP®
  • No additional hardware, no additional operating system and no additional IT maintenance required